Postal Service Announcement
Please be aware that we now offer Post Mortem postal services to human users. Humans are now allowed to use the service to correspond with lonely monsters who have previously signed up to our monster-human letter exchange service.
Please note, all other postal service will continue including:
- Same day delivery broom repair and servicing
- Guaranteed worldwide delivery (insurance required for deliveries to the underworld)
- Six day/week Blood Bank exchange
- Exotic Parts signed-for delivery
Information for Humans:
- Your letter will cost £5 to be posted and your reply to will arrive within one month
- You may collect your reply in store or have it sent to your home for an extra £1
- More details soon
Note to current customers
We accept that some monsters are still resistant to this change. You may lodge an official complaint by howling, roaring, screeching or sending smoke signals to our shop manager Igor.